Free shipping on orders over $299


Q: How is MHC Beef shipped?

A: MHC Beef is shipped via UPS in insulated foam & cardboard cartons with dry ice to assure frozen or partially thawed beef upon delivery.


Q: When will shipments ship?

A: Shipments ship on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays unless a special request is submitted with order or if those days fall on a National Holiday.  Cut off time for same day shipping is 3pm PST.


Q: Can orders be combined?

A: Orders can be combined if requested when ordering.


Q: How to thaw MHC Beef?

A: It is recommended to utize the MHC Thaw Board found in the accessory section of the shop.


Q: Is MHC USDA inspected?

A: All MHC is certified USDA inspected.


Q: How is MHC packaged?

A: All MHC is vaccum sealed 1 steak per package or 1# packages unless otherwise noted.  Flash Frozen at the USDA Facility.  Shipped to your door frozen with dry ice.